This chemical reduces scale in evaporators and also makes the nature of scales softer. It is also used as a polishing effect on syrup which produces sugar of better luster.

Caustic Soda finds its major use in pulp and paper, and in soap and detergent industries. It is also used in regeneration of ion-exchange resins, textile processing and petroleum refining and as a major cleaning chemical in many industries.

Lime has major applications in the water and sewage treatment as well as industrial effluent treatment. In water softening, hydrated lime is used to remove carbonate hardness from the water. It is also widely used to adjust the pH of water to prepare it for further treatment. Lime is also used to combat “red water” by neutralizing the acid water, thereby reducing corrosion of pipes and mains from acid waters.

We are engaged in offering a comprehensive range of Evaporator Antiscalant that is mainly used in sugar industry. The chemical offered by us is processed by utilizing best quality chemical compounds and advanced techniques in stringently adhering to set industry norms. Besides this, we offer this chemical in varied packaging options in order to satisfy diverse demands of our clients spanning all over the nation.

We have a wide range of biocides for the control of bacteria and fungi as well as troublesome slime and bad odours originating during the processing of cane sugar juices.

Sulphur dioxide is used at a later stage as well, after the juice has been concentrated and is being crystallised. At this point, SO2 works as a bleaching agent and is responsible for ensuring that the end product, sugar, is white in colour

This is a highly effective cationic polymer designed for improving color of sugar remelt / syrup in sugar mills and sugar refineries. It also removes certain high molecular weight impurities present in sugar remelt and syrup.