A circuit breaker is an electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by overcurrent/overload or short circuit. Its basic function is to interrupt current flow after protective relays detect a fault.

Switchgear is a generalized term given to a unit which is a combination of protective control and metering types of equipment as a whole. … The indoor switchgear is mostly used for medium voltages also called MV switchgear and is enclosed in a metal enclosure that is grounded.

A safety disconnect switch provides a means of quickly disconnecting mechanical or electronic systems from their primary power source safely. These switches operate both automatically, to protect against circuit faults, as well as manually in case an emergency stop or planned maintenance is required.

A surge arrester is a protective device for limiting voltage on equipment by discharging or bypassing surge current. It prevents continued flow to follow current to ground and it is capable of repeating these functions as specified per ANSI standard C62.11. An arrester does not absorb lightning or stop lightning. It diverts the lightning, limits the voltage and protects the equipment installed in parallel.

Distribution panels work by combining circuits from many different locations into one central hub. This allows you to access the entire electrical grid for your home from one spot. A distribution panel works by providing one main power switch that controls the power for all circuits.

Protection Control and Metering Items means the Substation facilities which include protective relaying, controls, Substation automation, electronic and electrical metering, thermal metering, indication, annunciation equipment, digital fault recorders, AMR, AMIS, SPS, EPS Metering, transducers and system monitoring.

A battery works by converting its stored chemical energy into electrical power. Once the electrolyte of the battery is used up, it needs to be recharged. A battery charger is a device that provides Direct Current (DC) to the battery to restore the used-up electrolyte.

As the name implies, a capacitor bank is merely a grouping of several capacitors of the same rating. Capacitor banks may be connected in series or parallel, depending upon the desired rating. As with an individual capacitor, banks of capacitors are used to store electrical energy and condition the flow of that energy.

Instrument transformers are special transformers used to measure voltages and currents while insulating measuring and control devices from the primary circuit.